Monday, March 1, 2010

~fun weekend~

we had a super fun weekend...and get this...i didn't even cry when my mom pulled out of our driveway with stone! yay me! i did call and check on him at least 4 times that day, and i missed him like crazy, but it was really nice to get away for a night.
when we got to utah we headed to the gateway mall to kill some time before dinner. the only thing we bought was...chocolate from the rocky mountain chocolate company (and we ate it before dinner). then we headed over to benihana for dinner. i think josh and i were the only ones that liked it....but i'm so glad we ate there.....yum!
then it was over to the arena for the jazz game. we were up in the nosebleeds, but it was a great game (we won by like 20 and d will had 35 points!) and we all had fun. the next morning josh and amanda and i got up and went to the hospital to visit grandpa fife (he was lifeflighted to slc about a month ago with a severe case of spinal menigitis). he seemed to be doing really well. we stayed for some of his physical therapy to be his cheeleaders, and he did super good! it was nice to see him in such good spirits.

after that we headed home to see this chubby guy and i couldn't wait to get to him. he had a blast at grandmas house, but seemed pretty happy to see me and josh.

on the way home from my moms house we stopped by our lot to take a picture because digging is supposed to happen this week (i'll believe it when it happens)!i know it doesn't look like much now...but in about 4 months we will be looking at the front of our new house! can't wait!
last but not least...we got stones pictures back and they are sooo cute! these are just a few of my faves
had to have a shot with a pearl jam shirt and a guitar case
wish stone was looking in this one...but oh wellthere are plenty more that i love (kacie is fantastic)...but i'm sure you are all bored now. that was our weekend, and now we start another week.


Beth Willmore said...

Ashley he is SO cute! I stumbled onto your blog and am so glad - because you have the sweetest little family!

Chris & Stephanie said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend. I can't wait to see your the progress on your house. It is a huge milestone for both of you. Good luck with it all.

Kimberly T. said...

What a fun weekend! Those pictures are just so dang cute!