so we finally decided on a car seat, bought it, and have tried it out for the last few weeks. this is the one we got
it's called the maxi-cosi priori. we just bought the one and are just trading off cars for now. it's been a great little carseat. it seems very sturdy, the material feels like it will hold up to washings and dirty fingers, stone seems very comfortable in it, and it sits high enough that he can see out the windows....he loves that. it fits nicely in the back seat of my jetta but i'm prety sure it wouldn't fit in josh's prelude. it was fairly easy to get installed as far as carseats go (all car seats are a bit of a pain in the you know what). all in all i've really liked the seat and have no complaints so far.
i finished mockingjay last week and all i can say is "wow"! what a fantastic series! it's brutal, and violent, and kinda horrifing....but well worth the read. i won't post any spoilers for those of you who haven't read the books yet....but so so so good and so easy to get into and read. i love an easy read.

those are some new things that i've been loving lately....just thought i'd share.
I love Melaluca!!! I wont use any other kid & baby shampoo or hair wash but theirs. I found out from them that Johnson and Johnsons baby wash has formaldehyde in it and that is what made me switch to Melalucas!! Also their Renew lotion helps with Brooklins eczema better then any others I have tried. I can sign people up to get a Melaluca membership so if you know anyone that wants one send them my way!!!
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