Tuesday, October 27, 2009


so here is the latest. still no baby, but i went to the doctor today and he told me that because i hadn't made any progress in the last week that he would like to start me on sunday (one day after my due date)! so it sounds like we will have a baby by sunday november 1st! it's not exactly what i wanted to have happen, but that's ok...it's time for him to come out. i'm ready.
we had the inspection done on our house and we are getting a few little things repaired...and we are getting the key to our rental tonight so we can start moving any time! we are gonna try to get everything moved before sunday so that we can be settled for when stone gets here. oh and i did find out that there is NO washer and dryer in the rental!! nightmare! how is that gonna work with a newborn??? we are gonna try taking laundry to kim and robbs a few days a week...but i think we might have to break down and just buy our new washer and dryer for the new house early and use them now. so everything is a little crazy for us right now...but i think it will all turn out just fine...i'm just keeping my fingers crossed!


Chelsi said...

Wow - that is crazy. Good luck. I am excited for you. I know you have like a million things going on right now - but when you get a minute email me your new address. I have a baby gift to send you. chelsi.linderman@gmail.com

Britt and Chad said...

Yeah I didn't realize you were due that soon!! I'm excited for you two and I'll definitely be checking for pics in a few days. Good luck

indeazgirl said...

This is the nurse in me talking, and if you want to totally ignore me, that's fine, but if you get induced and the baby doesn't drop, don't let them break your water or you will be on a time limit before they make you do a c-section. K- that's all.