anyways....our holidays were so nice. we spent christmas morning at my parents house and we got so spoiled!
stone was the most spoiled of all...and my mom was so happy to have her first grandchild with her at christmas.
we spent the rest of the day with joshs family. we had so much fun, and loved hanging out with family.
stone has been growing and changing like crazy. i took him to the doctor yesterday for his 2month (!) checkup and my baby weighs 12lbs. 11oz. and is 23 1/2in. long.
he has his first shots, and it was so sad. he did really well though. he cried for a bit but the rest of the day he didn't seem to be hurting too much. he's still a super good baby, but we have had a tough week with sleeping for some reason. i think he's getting back on track though. he doesn't go down for naps well at all, so if any of you moms out there have some tips about that please let me know.
we are still planning on building a house it's just taking so much longer to get a construction loan than we thought...we've been getting frusterated with it, but we are hanging in there.
that's just a little rundown on our life for now. i'm sure there has been more but it's been so long since i posted last that i don't remember. i'll get better at updateing more (i know i've said that before), i just need to figure out how to get everything done with a baby.
stone is getting so big and is just too cute! i'm sure its hard thinking about going back to work but at least he'll be with family. glad things are going good though- he is just so handsome!
Nap times can be hard and when you start back at work and he is not on a constant schedule with a constant sleeping place it will make it even harder but you may want to try classical music. Everytime you lay him down for a nap or bed time turn the same cd on and if it works right, after a few days he will realize that music and lights off = sleep! Worked for 4 out of 5 of mine!
Totally sucks that things have slowed down so much on your house but keep faith! It always works out in the end and will be worth it when it happens!
I had the same problem with naps until like 2 weeks ago and still... Some days are better than others!! I tried getting him on a schedule.. a nap at 9am 12noon and 3pm at first I just let him sleep in his swing and now I'm trying to get him used to sleeping in his crib. To get him to go to sleep I feed him, lay him in his crib,and turn on this little thing that plays music. If he's still crying in like 10 minutes I go back in and hold his hand and he usually goes right to sleep. Hopefully something will work for you!! It's frustrating the first 2 months Kayson wouldn't take longer than like a 15 minute nap at a time and he would get so grumpy!!
**a noise maker might also help!!
I agree with everyone else. Get something that makes noise or plays music. It really does help. Don't stress too much about Stone not being on a schedule. Life doesn't always work like that. Sorry you have to go back to work and that your house isn't going as planed. Have you looked into just buying something instead? We should get together before you have to go back to work!
He is so handsome!! He has beauiful eyes, and big lips!
You know I had tonz of problems with Kylar until he was about 18 months old. It's tuff and every baby is different. My best soultions with Kylar was to let him sleep in his crib or the car seat for a few months. He went from sleeping in the bed with me, to the swing, to the bassinet, and then finally in his own room in the crib! It was a step by step process and MUSIC (calm, or classical) ALWAYS helped! He flew asleep with music until he was almost two! I went to work when Kylar was about 7 months old I had to shuffled him from my parents, Joe's parents, and my grandma's. It was hard on him and he harldy ever toke naps at any places. If at all possible try to keep him at home in the same enviroment. Consistency is the key!! Good luck, if you have any questions I'm always here! :)
You look great! And Stone is a Stud Muffin! Seriously he is a super cute if you didn't already know that!=)
Wow, how did he get so big already! He is just adorable. I really would love to snuggle those chubby cheeks if you ever need a babysitter. :)
Thanks for the comment! No worries, it was never my job to keep and I knew that! I will definitely stay in touch with everyone. Even though I have to job search again, I definitely came out on top, because I got the chance to meet and become friends with great people! It has been great and I will never regret taking the job! BTW... your Stone is still such a doll! :)
Such cute pictures. I'm glad you are loving being a mother. Gosh, by the time we see him Stone will be half grown!
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