Friday, May 23, 2008

Everything to Me

I found this music video on the R House blog (I love visiting their blog to read and hear all of the amazing stories of adoption) and I had to post it on mine as well. The guy who sings this song is an adopted child and he sings this amazing song (and yes it made me cry) about the reality of adoption. There are a few phrases and a few scenes that I'm not sure that I like....he uses the phrase "you gave me up" that phrase makes me cringe every time I hear it. I know that to most people that is what it is...but to those of us who have been there, it hurts...and there is a scene where the baby is taken from the young woman by a nurse and the nurse places the baby in the new parents arms...maybe I don't like that just because that's not how it happened for me, it just seems so impersonal. I placed Seth in his dads arms, and he hugged me and they told me how much they loved me and assured me how much they would love "our" baby. In the video it just makes it all soom so brutal and cold, and it's not like that (mr's r had the same complaints about the video, maybe its just something that those of us who have been on either side of adoption gets touchy about).

Anyways...I didn't mean to go off on a tangent, because the video really is beautiful and the song is so touching. Watch it and let me know what you think. (You will have to pause the music on my page..sorry)


Genevieve said...

Wow what a powerful song. It made me cry too. I have so many close friends and family members who have been trying to adopt. I can't even imagine how hard it must have be to go through that. I'm amazed at your strength. Thanks for sharing Ashley

Annalee Taylor said...

Unless you have been through it there is really no way to understand how it really feels inside, but....I cant imagine being on your side of this. You are so strong. I admire you for your strength and honesty. Thanks.