Monday, July 27, 2009

our date

was perfect! when i got home from work josh was dressed and looked so hot. i got dressed and asked him like 10 times if i looked ok (big belly and all), he assured me that i looked perfect...i told him how nice he looked and how good he smelled (gotta love hugo), and then we were off. he took me to the sandpiper to eat. we sat out on the deck....the weather was perfect, the river looked beautiful, and it was a fantastic evening. we talked, and ate, and just enjoyed the time that we had together. it was perfect. there wasn't anything else we really wanted to do so we went home and decided to paint some more in the babys room...and we had fun doing it! it was a great evening and i appreciate my husband so much for taking me out and making me feel special. i love you babe!


Kimberly T. said...

What a fun date! Those kind are the best!