Tuesday, December 8, 2009


ok...so i have to start off by saying that stone is a FANTASTIC baby, but getting him to go to sleep at night sometimes proves to be just a little challenging (which i know is normal). he sleeps a lot during the day and then wants to be up at night. we have gotten better at keeping him up more during the day now...and so he falls asleep in my arms around 11...but as soon as i put him down he's awake again. i don't mind just letting him hang out in his crib alone and letting him falls asleep that way, he sleeps better and longer in the night if he is swaddled...but he HATES that. so i guess what i'm asking is..does anyone have any bed time suggestions? what worked for all of you pro mommies out there?


Anonymous said...

I am definitely not a pro at it, but what worked for us was swaddling Trevin (which he learned to like) and then rocking him just until the point where he closed his eyes for about 5 min or so and then laid him down. That way he didn't get into a deep sleep in our arms and then wake up right when we laid him down from the sudden change. Every baby is different though, keep trying different things, eventually one will work! Good luck!

Tiffany said...

Here are the 2 things that helped me with my little guy.
1) http://babyparenting.about.com/cs/sleeping/a/earlybedtime.htm

2) Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby

There are lots of books out there that can be helpful, this was just the one I read and it was helpful for us. Good luck.

Jenna Johnson said...

My family always gave matt and I crap but we let Gracie sleep in a carseat the first 6 months of her life! She slept so amazing in there we just tucked the buckles under and put a light blanket under her then snuggled her right in! I found it best not to let her fall asleep in our arms! (the people who gave me the most crap about it ended up doing it with their son too!) I tell you it works like a charm!

Natalie said...

I hear ya, we are having the same problem with our little girl, she will sleep just fine on one of our chests but the minute you put her down she wakes right up. Good luck let me know when you find something that works!

MegEddins said...

That's just a baby for you. I was told that you will never regret holding them too much. Yet, you won't get much done either. THey are so small for just a short time, so don't worry. The car seat thing works, but it gave my nephew a flat head. Wrap him up tight, and maybe try putting rolled up blankets around him. Good luck!

Genevieve said...

i wish i had some advice or helpful hints... madilyn was always one of those babies that every mom dreams of having. she kind of sleep trained herself! but i did read the healthy sleep habits happy child book and liked it. oh and we did let her take naps in her carseat if she fell asleep in the car and she loved it. and the other thing was that we never let her fall asleep in our arms. (ok maybe for a few naps with dad) but you know, things tend to just work out and all babies end up sleeping on the correct clock at some point! i hope all is well for you and just enjoy every second with him- he'll grow up too fast!! i wish that i hadn't been so concerned about it but instead just enjoyed a few more naps together...

Holly said...

Each baby goes through stages. Carson was like that. That's why he ended up sleeping with us. He just wanted to be next to something. I know they say you shouldn't put things in the crib with them. But you might try a stuff animal. We also used soft music too. Don't stress over it too much. He'll eventually figure something out.

Anonymous said...

I would always get Kaitlynn's naps to go a little longer by putting her in the bouncy seat all wrapped up and kinda on her side in the dark bathroom with the fan on. I know that this is really weird but it helped her sleep better in the day and it seemed to make her more well rested and ready to take on the evening. Then when night time came around she was ready. ya know what I mean? It's crazy but it worked for her. It's all about the white noise with some kids. Oh, P.S. she never slept in the bathroom at night, just day time naps.