Tuesday, November 2, 2010


this year halloween was pretty low key. my office always has a little costume contest and a halloween party all day so i dressed up for that....i was a "fire fairy"

 darcie won the award for scariest costume..she was medusa and her makeup was awesome!
we were able to go pick up our littles for the last hour of the day and bring them back to trick or treat the office...so i went home and picked up my little monkey
 he really was happy to be there....but he doesn't look it in this photo. on saturday, stone and i went up to my aunts house for a little halloween party. low key holiday, but that's 100% ok with me.


Beth Willmore said...

What a cute little monkey! Way to go dressing up - we're big losers and don't ever dress up and then every year I think, "Next year we should totally dress up..." Never happens. :)

indeazgirl said...

He is the cutest little monkey ever! (And you are one smoking hot fairy...) :-) Happy Halloween!