Wednesday, April 21, 2010

as a birthmom

i just want to say that as a birthmom i love knowing that my childs parents are thinking of me. every year on seths birthday i get beautiful flowers with a little note telling me how thankful kristi and riley are for their child....they don't need to send gifts....just a note is great....but i love knowing that they are thinking of me and it means so much that they make the effort to let me know how wonderful their little "gift" is. thanks kristi and riley! i love you!


Lydia said...

That is so sweet!

Beth Willmore said...

You're amazing Ashley.

Cynthia said...

This is Cynthia Benson from HS and I didn't know you well then, (I saw your link on Chelsi's blog) so I wanted to see how you were. I wanted to tell you that I think you are amazing for what you did, my husband is adopted and I admire you so much for doing that. I know it must be hard at times, but You did an amazing thing for their family, and I am so glad that you have your own family now to share your heart with, Congrats and applause, Cyn

Karine said...

I have a blog that shares Birth Mother stories and I was wondering if you would like to be a guest on my blog ? I would love to learn more about you and share your story if you would like to do that.
Here is the blog site...
you can email me from there :) Hope to hear from you! :) Thank you for being you!!!!