Tuesday, September 21, 2010

yet another house post

i feel like our whole life right now revolves around stone and the house...actually that's how it's been since last november, and to tell you the truth...i'm a little bit sick of it. not sick of the stone part, but sick of the house part. i'm looking forward to the days when my life can revolve around stone and josh and the house will just be a fantastic place to be. and that time is now just around the corner! we are getting to the tail end of things. cabintets are in, paint just has a few finishing touches, exterior should be finishing up today and tomorrow, concrete is being poured today (hopefully), carpet goes down thursday, and granite will be installed monday (maybe friday if we are lucky)! wanna see it? this is what it looked like as of last night
the rock is called "summit"
front view
stones bedroom
master bath
main bath
entry way and "formal sitting room"
fireplace in the "great room"
kitchen (i love my cabinets)
it still looks like there is a lot to be done, but our builder claims that it will be finished by the end of the month. can't wait!

as for the little man in my life...no new pictures, but he's everywhere and into everything. he's quick! he now has 8 teeth, loves to chase the dog or my parents cat, can wave hi and bye, gives kisses, and loves to "talk". he's almost 11 months old and that blows my mind!


Natalie said...

so cute, I can't wait to see the finished product, I love your kitchen cabinets!

Summer Mortensen said...

Looking good!! Can't believe it's almost done, i bet you guys will be glad to have it done and over with so you can move in! Great job on the kitchen cabinets...they look awesome!

Kimberly T. said...

It's beautiful, Ash! Can't wait to see it completely done. Your cabinets are gorgeous, love them! Your kitchen layout is almost the same as mine, cool. :)